Mrs Yerby
30 | Foundation | 4-5yrs |
Reception Class Nativity 2024 |
Reception Class Share and Shine |
Reception Class Poetry Days |
RSE - Relationship and Sex Education |
Life to the Full - Curriculum Overview
Life to the Full - Progression of Knowledge and Skills - EYFS
Life to the Full - Key Vocabulary - EYFS
Parent Information - RSE - Life to the Full
Parent Information – RWI Phonics |
Curriculum Overviews |
Tasks to be Completed at Home (Remote Learning) |
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Latest News
- Reception have drawn some amazing castles and knights this week
- Reception are working hard and having fun with their friends.
- Another busy week in Reception Class. Including modelling and reading.
- Today Reception Class have been learning about how people celebrate the Lunar New Year
- Reception are working hard as usual and having fun at the same time. We are happy you are enjoying the learning children.
- The children were joined by their parents and carers this afternoon to begin an exciting maths homework project.
- A busy start to 2025 in Reception
- EYFS/Reception Class - RWInc Phonics - Blending/Reading What a fantastic lesson sounding out and blending CVC words
- EYFS/Reception Class - Art and DT Topic Hot and Cold Places, here is Cold Places
- Reception are working very hard to blend sounds together to make words.
- Thank you to everyone who came to our Reception Class Stay and Play this morning. Your support is appreciated.
- Reception Class are working non stop!
- EYFS/Reception Class - Stay and Pray. Thank you to those parents that were able to attend.
- Reception enjoyed their walk around school as part of the Geography super learning morning yesterday. Today they will be mapping some of the things they saw.
- Reception are enjoying eating their lunch together in the hall.
- This week the children in reception have been put in to house teams. They a have also earned lots of house points for their teams for super work.
- Reception have settled well in to Reception.
- Reception Class visited Sea Life in Manchester. They had a wonderful time interacting with all kinds of sea creatures.
- EYFS/Reception Class - Stay and Play Session.
- EYFS/Reception Class - Star Books session.
- EYFS/Reception Class - Maths
- The children had an amazing Enterprise Week.
- Reception Class have had a super time this morning learning all about ‘People who help us’. They visited Little Play Town, a role play centre in Heywood.
- EYFS/Reception -P.E Spring Term 2 - Tennis
- In Prayer and Liturgy this week the children lead the worship by talking about how they have celebrated as a Parish family in church. The children brought in photos of times when they had celebrated.
- Reception Class - What a lovely R.E session today. We had a visit from one of our Parish family members.
- What a glorious end to the first week back at school after Christmas. A lovely Prayer and Liturgy all about Celebrations, and The Epiphany. ✝️
- EYFS/Reception Class - RE Advent Today the children wrote their Advent promises and coloured in an Advent wreath. We talked about what an Advent wreath is and why we have them. Last week the children made an Advent Star.
- Chinese New Year Reception Class spent this week finding out about Chinese New Year. 2023 is the lunar year of the rabbit and the children discovered that some of them were born in the lunar year of the dog
- Reception class were asked to look after a mystery egg. They all wrote labels to place round the egg telling others not to touch and be quiet near the egg.
- Reception Class looked at the iPad camera, we took photographs of the class and added a Halloween background. They really enjoyed looking at these pictures.
- What a great afternoon with our wonderful Reception Class. This term they have learnt Home Button, Screen, App and Swipe. Today our children have learnt the iPad Passcode too. Well done Reception Class.
- Hannah has been hosting Laudato SI dance week in St. John Fisher RC Primary School. This morning Reception Class went for their session with the theme ‘care for our common home, looking after the world around us’.
- A wonderful first Computing afternoon with our brand new Reception Class. Learning Computing rules and identifying the HOME button On the iPad.
- Today Reception Class have drawn a spider complete with a spider web. We then took a photo and added a wonderful spider web background. A big well done children.
- The children learnt about the artist Wassily Kandinski and recreated his Concentric Circles piece of art. Reception Class were also learning about bees.
- Reception Class have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. The children listened to the story of The Hungry Caterpillar and used the AR app, My Caterpillar. Reception Class were also introduced to our resident robots - Beebot.
- Reception have been learning about Lent, Holy week and Easter. Today we re-enacted the Last Supper and had the bread rolls that we made yesterday and juice.
- The children in Clitherow house enjoyed wearing their own clothes, chocolate biscuits and an extra playtime to celebrate their Feast Day.
- Some of the children in reception class built a church using the bricks. They used the new little figures as people in and going to church as well as singing the hymns.
- Today we listened to the story of the Little Red Hen and then made Bread like she did.
- Reception Class have discussed what reminds them of Easter. The children have created their own Easter scene.
- Today we enjoyed our Design and Technology super learning day. We designed and made Troll puppets, masks and paper flowers and even made a troll form playdough.
- Reception enjoyed wearing their PJs for world book day and sharing their favourite story book with each other.
- Today as part of Forest School we looked for signs of spring. On the way back to class we visited the Prayer Garden where we displayed some of our Lenten Promises and decorated the garden with purple ribbons.
- We have been exploring our Easter Garden and our new RE corner.
- Today we learnt about Fair Trade and then went to a Fair Trade sale.
- Reception have learnt that everyone needs a friend and we are all friends. We are all connected.
- The children watched a wonderful production this morning called 'The street where I live'.
- Reception had great fun playing with the gloop this morning (cornflour and water).
- Reception enjoyed a maths morning full of lots of different activities. Dinosaurs and brick models using 3D shapes, Dinosaur10 teeth necklaces, sorting coins and The Cake Shop buying cakes with coins.
- Just look at our dinosaur pictures!
- The children learnt lots of different ways they can walk in the footsteps of Jesus
- We went to Forest School in the snow and had a great time.