St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

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Latest News

  • Year 3 Retreat day with Mary Farmer. Themed around listening and sharing, the children learned more about the Eucharist and what happens in the Holy Mass.
  • Year 4 had a lovely music lesson this morning in class. Well done Year 4! You played beautifully
  • Year 6 had a lovely morning planting seeds to help our local community
  • Key Stage 2 have had a fascinating morning with the Science Show learning all about forces! What a brilliant start to science week!
  • Reception have drawn some amazing castles and knights this week
  • Thank you Father for helping us to celebrate Ash Wednesday as we prepare ourselves for Lent.
  • Year 6 have been praying for unity and peace during our prayer & liturgy session
  • A lovely Year 4 Celebration of the Word
  • Thank you to our Year 6 Chaplains for delivering a thoughtful Wednesday Word to Year 5 about how we can show our love in action.
  • Today Year 1 went on a walk of the local area to look at some Edgar Wood architecture
  • Reception are working hard and having fun with their friends.
  • Year 4 had a wonderful afternoon yesterday watching a drama production at Cardinal Langley
  • In Science Year 3 have been learning all about fossils and the fossilisation process
  • Year 6 have worked really hard researching WW1 to create a fact sheet using laptops.
  • Our fantastic swimmers in Year 4 all received their certificates today. We are really proud of their hard work. As Dory would say…… Just keep swimming
  • Year 2 had a fantastic time making fruit kebabs this afternoon
  • Year 5 Children’s Mental Health Week
  • Another busy week in Reception Class. Including modelling and reading.
  • A few photos from Young Voices
  • Congratulations to all our award winning children this week
  • Year 5 have really enjoyed their practical maths lesson exploring the concept of square numbers
  • Year 4 - Maths Children are working extremely hard dividing 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. We are super proud of you all
  • Year 3 have been learning about the Mysteries of the Rosary and how they help us follow the lives and journeys of Mary and her son, Jesus. While they were learning, they asked if they could pray a decade of the Rosary. Well done Year 3!
  • PE with Year 2
  • In IT Year 1 have been very artistic creating a Gruffalo on Seesaw
  • Today Reception Class have been learning about how people celebrate the Lunar New Year
  • We've overcome our fears and tried our best this week in Year 6 at Robinwood!
  • Here are Year 5 exploring different pitches in their music lesson with Mrs Walsh.
  • Year 4 would like to thank Mrs Walsh for a beautiful music lesson
  • Reception are working hard as usual and having fun at the same time. We are happy you are enjoying the learning children.
  • A huge thank you to our Year 2 Parents and. Carers for attending our Maths homework workshop. We looked at games and ideas of how to engage the children at home with their maths learning.
  • What a fantastic day our children had taking part in Times Table Rock Stars special day. The children dressed up as rockstars and as you can see had a wonderful day. Well done children.
  • Year 5 have taken part in an NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe workshop. Well done Year 5 for being so sensible
  • The children were joined by their parents and carers this afternoon to begin an exciting maths homework project.
  • The children were joined by their parents and carers this afternoon to begin an exciting maths homework project.
  • A big well done to all our award winners this week. We are very proud of you.
  • We had an exciting visitor in todays assembly!
  • Year 4 have been thinking about how they belong to a number of different communities. Children thought about our lovely classroom community and discussed why they think the class community is happy and a safe place to be.
  • Year 1 have had a busy afternoon. In science we have been performing an experiment to test if different objects sink or float.
  • A busy start to 2025 in Reception
  • Year 6 were visited by some retired magistrates this afternoon. We learnt about the important role of the magistrate and how important it is that we follow the law to make our community a safe and welcoming place.
  • Year 5 and 6 led us through a thoughtful Advent reflection this afternoon. We read from the Gospel and offered our Advent promises to God as we prepare for the coming of Jesus.
  • Year 5 and 6 led us through a thoughtful Advent reflection this afternoon. We read from the Gospel and offered our Advent promises to God as we prepare for the coming of Jesus.
  • Well done to our brilliant Year 6 who completed an Emergency First Aid Course. We could have some budding health care professionals in our class, their knowledge and techniques were very impressive
  • Year 4 - English Children are writing excellent explanation texts to inform people of the different layers of the rainforest. Well done
  • Year 3 Art Some amazing art work produced in the pop art style of Andy Warhol today with our visiting artist Belinda. The children used printing techniques to create a New York Skyline on brightly coloured backgrounds
  • Year 2 had an amazing time watching the pantomime Snow White and having their snacks and drinks outside today
  • Year 1 have had a great PE lesson using the apparatus today
  • EYFS/Reception Class - RWInc Phonics - Blending/Reading What a fantastic lesson sounding out and blending CVC words
  • Year 4 had beautiful music lesson this morning with Mrs Walsh. We have started playing and singing Christmas songs!
  • For Inter-Faith Week, Year 3 have been learning about how art is an expression of beliefs in many religions. We learned that in Islam, mehndi patterns are used for celebrations such as weddings and Eid.
  • Inter Faith Week with Year 2
  • This week the whole of Year 1 received an award in our achievement assembly for being amazing
  • EYFS/Reception Class - Art and DT Topic Hot and Cold Places, here is Cold Places
  • Well done to all of this weeks award winners.
  • Year 6 had a great day learning about World Religions today. As part of our RE Super Learning Day, we focused on Hinduism and the importance of Rangoli patterns to that faith. Have a look at the patterns we have been inspired to create.
  • Year 6 looked at the artwork of Darrell Wakelam and created some amazing 3D pictures today. Thank you so much for our visiting artist, Belinda John, for guiding us through the process
  • Congratulations to all our award winners this week.
  • Reception are working very hard to blend sounds together to make words.
  • Star books in Year 2
  • Year 1 have been creating super art work today with the artist Belinda John in the style of the artist Peter Thorpe.
  • Year 4 loved the STEM Workshop they attended virtually today. They are learning lots of information about rainforests!
  • Year 3 have been learning about the reasons Catholics choose to have their children baptised. They interviewed some staff members and asked them why they chose (or will choose) to baptise their child and how they support them on their faith journey.
  • Year 6 had a great time at the recycling centre in Trafford today. We learnt about why we need to recycle as part of our Climate Change topic.
  • Year 6 learnt about the importance of how to stay safe around large vehicles this afternoon. Thank you to Martin Broker Trucks and out local Community Support Officers for helping us to understand about blind spots.
  • Year 3 had a great trip to Lytham St Anne’s despite the rain. They learned about how different sea defences protect the human features of the coastline. They also cared for our common home by collecting plastic and other litter.
  • Year 2 children loved playing recorders again. They are definitely improving
  • In Maths Year 1 have been subitising and recognising numbers to 100 by playing snakes and ladders
  • Year 5 took some time to get closer to God with a meditation session.
  • Year 4 - Maths Children are working very hard during their TTRS session! Keep it up
  • Thank you to everyone who came to our Reception Class Stay and Play this morning. Your support is appreciated.
  • Year 6 have been thinking about the importance of mental health. As part of World Mental Health Day, we have been reflecting on what makes us happy and how we can manage our negative feelings
  • Year 5 celebrated World Mental Health day today.
  • Lovely silent reading in Year 4
  • Well done to our wonderful Year 3 award winners
  • Year 2 award winners
  • It has been Year 1 charity day today. We raised lots of money for The Christie, thank you for all your support and generous donations
  • Reception Class are working non stop!
  • Year 6 visited the Crucial Crew this afternoon. We learnt about the importance of staying safe on public transport and how we need to look after our physical and mental health.
  • Year 1 Stay and Pray morning …
  • EYFS/Reception Class - Stay and Pray. Thank you to those parents that were able to attend.
  • Year 5 Stay and Pray
  • Geography super learning day in Year 3 - using maps and atlases to locate countries and counties.
  • Year 4 - English Children are working really hard during their grammar lessons. Well done.
  • Year 2 used their Computing skills to enhance their Geography learning.
  • Reception enjoyed their walk around school as part of the Geography super learning morning yesterday. Today they will be mapping some of the things they saw.
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