St John Fisher RC Primary School, Stanycliffe Lane, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2PB


St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale

Love Jesus, love learning, inspiring each other to be the best that we can be.

St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale News

School News

The latest news stories from St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, Rochdale.


News Stories

  • Year 1 Artists
    Just look at the budding artist work in Year 1
  • Year 1 Computing - Halloween
    Year 1 have had a ball this morning. They have been Halloween sorting, Halloween dancing and Halloween painting. Wow
  • Year 1 Computing - Emojis
    Year 1 Computing lesson was wonderful this morning. The children have been predicting the meaning of different emojis. They have been learning what different feelings look like and have made their own emojis to match their facial feelings
  • Animation Computing with Year 1
    Welcome back to Computing Year 1. Working jolly hard this morning to create animation on the iPads. Lots of fun! Well done Year 1.
  • Year 1 Computing
    Year 1 had a fast paced lesson in Computing this morning. Their challenge was to cover as much of the curriculum as they could in an allotted time. Art, Math, D&T, Music and History apps were used by the children. Such Fun! Well done Year 1
  • Year 1 - The lifecycle of a frog
    Year 1 have loved watching frogspawn turn into frogs. Yesterday some of the frogs were returned to the pond the frogspawn came from.
  • Seaside Topic - Crazy Beach Balls
    Year 1 children have now finished drawing and colouring their beach balls. A stunning achievement Year 1
  • Year 1 Eating cress
    Year 1 enjoyed eating the cress they have grown but think it would taste better in a salad or sandwich!
  • Year I Pentecost
    Year One have made some doves and a story wheel to help them to remember the story of Pentecost.
  • Year 1 Speaking and Listening
    Year 1 have been in the playground for their speaking and listening activity this morning. The children used the iPad microphone to record their seaside topic work. More robot and commands work with Beebot and Teksta.
Showing 21-30 of 42